13 Hobbies For Analytical Thinkers (Channel Your Focus Now)

Introduction Analytical thinkers are typically internal or introverted types in that they like to assess and plan things out before executing them with maximum efficiency. In fact, that’s what makes analytical thinkers so successful at whatever they do — they spend so much time strategizing and doing the due diligence that it’s almost like they … Read more

Best Console for Casual Gamers (A Snapshot Overview)

Introduction Choosing a console is without doubt one of the hardest choices you can make, especially since most consoles have unique ecosystems tied to them meaning you’re pretty much committed for the long run once you’ve started playing on them and earning achievements. To tempt you, console companies offer unique services that can only be … Read more

Smart Phone or Dumb Phone? 13 Productive Things to Do on Your Phone

Introduction Never has there been a time in existence where we’ve been attached to our telecommunication devices so much, namely our smartphones. For this reason, they’re almost likened to pocket computers whereby we can interact with the world and can keep up with all the latest trends. However, most of these pastimes are extremely unproductive, … Read more

13 Productive Things to Do When Bored (Be Bold, Not Bored)

Introduction Being bored is usually a symptom of not doing productive things or not advancing yourself in a more permanent way. However, you can leverage working towards more long-term-oriented goals to bring you greater satisfaction and thus, can easily diminish feelings of boredom. And yes, we know other things can be fun in the short … Read more

27 Productive Things to Do at Home (Streamline Your Home Operations)

Home is the perfect place to get things done purely because it’s the place we usually feel most relaxed. Our emotional energy is high as well as our physical energy, unlike when you’re at work which can leave you feeling drained. For this reason, it’s important to be productive when you’re at home as it’s … Read more

Why You’re Bored of Reading and What You Can Do About It: 7 Things to Consider

Introduction Reading is an interesting hobby, especially when compared to modern entertainment activities such as watching Netflix or playing video games. That’s because reading can provide you with similarly high levels of enjoyment, however, it does require more of an involved effort whereby you’ll need to process the information and words you’re reading off the … Read more

A Beautiful Mind: 23 Engaging Hobbies For Engineers

Introduction The mind of an engineer is the mind of a practical problem-solver, someone who likes to see the fruits of their labor fully realized in grand projects such as bridges, buildings, and even machines. It’s all about efficiency and how well you can make something without needing to go overboard — or in other … Read more